She:kon from the ancestral homelands of the Kanien'kehá:ka (People of the Flint)
The Waterfall Unity Alliance would like to wish you all a transformational eclipse season. Universal energies are guiding us to surrender and release what is holding us back through our Grandmother Moon, Elder Brother Sun, and our Mother Earth. The energies of our planetary and celestial relatives grows in potency throughout the duration of eclipse season, reflecting to humanity opportunities of growth and healing. Our team is actively undergoing changes and shifts. We look forward to sharing with you updates and words of gratitude.

We are excited to share with you all that some action has begun to transition Iotsi’tsishon (Skywoman’s) Forever Farm to a regenerative agricultural farm. It is integral that all decisions made and practices used at the farm align with the natural cycle of our Mother Earth. With the help of fantastic allies Tim Houseberg and Dr. Will Spencer, organic microbes (sourced from American Indian Microbes) and biochar are in the process of being sprayed on all of the berry fields. The re-establishment of conservation practices for soil health using microbial practices has begun at the farm. To learn more, check out Native Health Matters’ post featuring Iotsi’tsishon (Skywoman’s) Forever Farm.

We are approaching the end of our first full year of rematriating Iotsi’tsishon (Skywoman’s) Forever Farm. This journey has not been the easiest and has called Onkwehonwe Women forward to transmute dense frequencies within our bloodlines, embodying the ways of Iotsi’tsishon. It is evident that the presence of Onkwehonwe Women returning to their homelands has been an incredible healing process. As we heal, our Mother Earth heals. It is a simultaneous process of exchanging frequencies.

Gratitude is at the core of our teachings and way of life as Onkwehonwe. This first year has brought deep feelings of gratitude and it only grows in magnitude as we greet each new day living in our homelands. Returning to our homelands is a dream that has continued to exist within our bloodlines as Onkwehonwe from the moment our ancestors were taken from the land. Today, this dream has become a reality thanks to the ancestral, spiritual, and physical support that has manifested in our times of need. Our needs continue to be met as we continue to embody gratitude.
We have taken this first year of living onsite at the farm to slow down and appreciate the teachings and beauty of each moment. Kanien’kehá:ka (People of the Flint) children, families, men, mothers, and those seeking healing have been able to reconnect with their homelands, activating the codes and gifts within their ancestral DNA. This new beginning is one that will create lasting healing and impact for our Mother Earth and all of humanity.
We look forward to all that the future timelines have to show us. Niawenko:wa (A grand thank you) to each and every one of our allies, volunteers, and supporters. This dream could not be made possible without you.

We hope this newsletter inspired you. As always, the Waterfall Unity Alliance says nia:wen for your support. Stay connected via our tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, website, and gofundme.
Oneh (Until we meet again)