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Happy Full Moon


She:kon from the ancestral homelands of the Kanien'kehá:ka (People of the Flint)


As an organization we are walking into the incoming new year fueled with gratitude. Christopher Lindstrom and Cathy Berry, two support pillars of our organization (who are also, respectively, members of our Advisory Board and Board of Directors), created a $60,000 end of year challenge grant. All donations the Waterfall Unity Alliance receives before the next full moon of Jan 25th, 2024 will be doubled, up to $60K. Thanks to the donations from many individuals, organizations, and supporters, we have so far raised $35,540 towards our goal! Please help us unlock the remaining $24,460, which will support our language immersion program and our new Kanien’kehá:ka farm manager. 

Since the birth of the Waterfall Unity Alliance, our work has been guided by the intentional words, vibrations, and prayers we embody collectively as an Alliance. It has been such a joy for us all to share our truths and spread our message, getting to know our supporters more deeply along the way. Energies of support, no matter how small, all contribute tremendously to our ability to keep going as an organization. Niawenko:wa (a grand thank you) to all of the beings who have contributed energetically and financially to this recent wave of support.

Universal energies of transformation have been building up in preparation of this new year. The Winter Solstice, solar flares, and full moon energy we are in today remind us of what we collectively are being asked to release. As we approach the new year, our Grandmother Moon guides us through our emotional responses. Highly energetic times often bring forth discomfort, conflict, and triggers. Leaning into what comes up during such times can ultimately lead to breakthroughs. The Waterfall Unity Alliance encourages you to join us in leaning into the abundant opportunities of growth being offered to humanity at this time.


In light of the energy we are all immersed in, guided by the love of our Grandmother Moon, we would like to share an important message that speaks to our hearts. The Elder Brother Kogi bloodline channeled a message on November 17th of this year to share with all of humanity. The Kogi are an ancient bloodline from the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Colombia whose people have remained connected with the innate current of creation, embodying a way of life in which the spirit is prioritized & a strong connection with our Mother Earth remains.

As the Waterfall Unity Alliance, the words shared within this message speak deeply to our spirits, as this message is aligned with the work we are doing for not only the Kanien’kehá:ka (People of the Flint) return to the homelands, but the protection we offer our shared Mother Earth.

Our Mother Earth is calling humanity to action. She is calling for us to awaken to our collective responsibilities to do the work needed in the face of the reality we see today. As we heal, she heals. It is a simultaneous relationship that only strengthens as each individual reconnects deeply with creation. May this message speak to your spirit deeply, calling to the parts of us all that remember what it means to be a child of Mother Earth. May this message illuminate the fire that burns within all of us, igniting our passions and gifts we all individually have to offer the world. Our Mother Earth is calling her children back home, back to love.


We hope this newsletter inspired you. As always, the Waterfall Unity Alliance says nia:wen for your support. Stay connected via our Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, and Vimeo.

Oneh (Until we meet again)



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