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Happy Super Full Moon from WUA!


She:kon from the ancestral homelands of the Kanien'kehá:ka

The WaterfallUnityAlliance would like to wish you a happy full moon! Our Grandmother Moon is bringing us heightened frequencies of release with this super full moon. At the WaterfallUnityAlliance, we are taking this time to give gratitude for all that this moon phase has brought us and release what no longer serves. Within this moon phase, we look forward to welcoming you all at the 2023 WaterfallUnity Festival! With less than a month to go, we have much to share with you.

This week, we’d like to share with you all a bit about the exciting lineup we have for the festival! Our headliners include Anishinaabe artist Keith Secola, Kanien’kehá:ka songwriter Theresa Bear Fox, and Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary. Additional performers and workshop leaders can be found via our website events page!

A few reminders as we are fast approaching the festival!

-Register for the event, especially if you are camping

-This is the last week to register as a vendor!

-Check out our volunteer opportunities

-Share our poster via social media :)

-Visit our website, where you can find all info regarding the festival

July 10th, Permatours is hosting a virtual concert fundraiser featuring live performances with Sister Stone and Bethany Yarrow. Kawenniiosta Jock, Liv Bigtree and WaterfallUnityAlliance team members will be on the call sharing our story and discussing the excitement of this year's festival. Proceeds for this fundraiser event goes toward the festival, travel, and our Kanien'kehá:ka language and culture immersion center. Permatours has been a fantastic partner and key factor to the execution of this year's festival. We hope you will all join us a week from today at 7pm, EST! Register for the zoom link below.

In the near future, we will be transitioning our newsletters into Full Moon and New Moon updates (2x/month), with the exception of big announcements. We are so indescribably grateful for all the love and support from our newsletters thus far. Niawenko:wa and much love.

We hope this week's newsletter inspired you today. Be sure to check out our Facebook page, Instagram, website and Tiktok located below.

Oneh (Until we meet again)


Join our email newsletter!

Nia:wen for subscribing!

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