She:kon from the ancestral lands of the Kanien'kehá:ka
The WaterfallUnityAlliance wishes you a happy pink full moon. Through Grandmother Moon’s cycle, we are given an opportunity to fully illuminate and accept all parts of ourselves. This April full moon will be the last before entering eclipse season. As these energies guide us through times of change, we invite you to allow grandmother moons energy to assist in manifesting and releasing what serves our highest good.

As many of you know, we have been hosting a name contest over the course of the past few weeks. This week we’d like to officially announce that we have a name for the berry farm! However, for the time being we will not be sharing the official name. Stay tuned to our social media platforms where we will be sending out an official statement, revealing our final decision. To all who sent us submissions, we appreciate and loved overviewing your ideas! Niawenhkó:wa (A big thank you) for sharing your creativity with us.

Ribbon skirt made by Kawenniiosta
To read more about this skirt, visit Kawenniiosta's recent post on our Facebook Page!
This week, we’d like to share with you a little bit about the importance and significance of the Ratiweras (Thunder Beings). The Ratiweras are bringing the collective great healing frequencies with their arrival across Rotinonhshión:ni (also known as Haudenosaunee) homelands. Their arrival serves as an indicator of the transition from the cold seasons into the warm seasons. Their presence assists us in inviting and celebrating the beginning of Spring.

Onkwehonwe (Original people) across Turtle Island honor and give gratitude to the Ratiweras in so many beautiful ways. Giving thanks, grounding, and doing breath-work while the Ratiweras are present are some simple ways that Onkwehonwe strengthen their connection and deepen their gratitude with the Ratiweras. For Onkwehonwe, it is important to maintain balance and harmony with this beautiful part of creation.

Morning views at the yurt!
The WaterfallUnityAlliance team empowers you to re-member your connection to all of creation. The Ratiweras are powerful beings who have much to share with us all, each time they show their presence. They are not to be feared, for they are a gift. We encourage you to celebrate the strength and healing that they offer through every thunderstorm.
Today, we’d like to send our greatest wishes to a leading Matriarch, visionary, and our President of the Board of Directors, Kawenniiosta. She will be speaking on the Indigenous Forum Panel in the 2023 Bioneers Conference from 3:00-4:15 pm PST (6:00-7:15 pm ETS). For those without tickets, you may view the highlights from the live event via Bioneers social media platforms. For more information, visit the Bioneers website.

We hope this week's newsletter inspired you today. As always, the WaterfallUnityAlliance says nia:wen to you for your support. Be sure to check out our Facebook page, Instagram, website and Tiktok located below.
Oneh (Until we meet again)