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Updates From The Waterfall Unity Alliance


She:kon from the ancestral lands of the Kanien'kehá:ka

The WaterfallUnityAlliance welcomes you! We are beginning a new chapter and in doing so we are expanding our mailing list to people who we believe are aligned with our mission, protecting and honoring our shared Mother Earth and who will support the Kanien'kehá:kaReturn to Ancestral Homelands Movement. If this sounds like you, please forward this message to people who will appreciate these newsletters and enjoy our upcoming events.


First, we'd like to thank our donors. Sandra Deer-Standup, a member of the Waterfall

Unity Alliance Board has a message of gratitude to share with you:

Takwanonhwerá:ton sewakwè:kon, Greetings everyone, At this time, I would like to begin by saying (in my language) nia:wen, thank you. Nia:wen, thank you all for giving so generously to this vision and historical endeavor that we’re now upon. As Kawennniiosta Jock stated, we are now “moving into the next chapter of making history”. And, remaking a new history simultaneously. As we move closer to spring and warmer weather, the now Kanien’kehá:ka owned berry farm is about to be up and running. There are still some minor, and some major work that needs to be completed prior to the opening, but the work is being done as I write this. The farmhouse is being made into a multi-dwelling to support employees/families who will work at the farm. The farm stand, left of the farmhouse, needs repairs and renovations to support the produce/products that will be for sale. And, we’ve posted a job description for a Farm Manager, and already received an applicant. Things are moving quick, and there remains much work to be done. This work is not the kind of work you may be thinking of. This work is not really work at all. It is a dream. And dreams are not work, they are something that we long for, and have desires and wishes for. These dreams are the dreams of our ancestors that are now our dreams. The dream of coming home to our ancestral lands. To return home and live off the land that our relatives once worked and harvested on. This has to be a dream! Once again, I would like to say (in my language) Niawenhkó:wa, a very large thank you to all who have taken the time, energy, and finances to help support this DREAM of our people. We’re ready to come home. Niawenhkó:wa/Big thank you,

Sandra Owén:nakon Deer-Standup


As the energy of the first super new moon of this astrological new year comes to a close, the WaterfallUnityAlliance invites you to take time to reflect. Reflect on the strength, love, gratitude and joy that has come from the assistance of our Grandmother Moon’s energy. We hope that this moon phase serves you greatly. As we reflect here at WaterfallUnityAlliance, we have so much to share with you.The Longhouse awaits the spring season.Thanks to your support, donations, gratitude and love, things are moving fast for the Kanien’kehá:ka return to ancestral homelands movement. The beginning stage of the longhouse structure continues to stand strong against the cold seasons. As the snow illuminates the longhouse, we are reminded to keep the momentum. The WaterfallUnityAlliance will be calling for volunteers to help with building the longhouse as the warm weather approaches. If you are feeling the call to help with this marvelous moment, stay tuned in the next coming months for more info!

Renovations have begun!

On November 17th, 2022, Kawenniiosta Jock, Waterfall Unity Alliance Board President, signed the papers to close on the Berry Farm. Thanks to the immense support on our gofundme, the Kanien'kehá:ka now have a berry farm located at the heart of the homelands! As many people local to Schoharie Valley remember, Boringer's Fruit Farm was a central component to the valley community. As renovations to the farmhouse and farmstand have begun, the Waterfall Unity Alliance is excited to support the Kanien’kehá:ka stewardship of the berry farm beginning this spring! There is still much to do to prepare for the incoming blooming season, so donations remain encouraged and appreciated.

The berry season approaches!

The WaterfallUnityAlliance has many beautiful things planned for the next several months. Stay tuned to learn more about upcoming events including a seed gathering, language immersion summer program, the opening of the farm stand, the WaterfallUnity Concert and more. Whether at a community event, picking berries, or volunteering, we hope to see your beautiful faces joining us in this historical, healing moment.As always, the WaterfallUnityAlliance says nia:wen to you for your support. Be sure to check out our Facebook page, Instagram and website located below.

Oneh (Until we meet again)


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Nia:wen for subscribing!

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