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Wishing You All A Grand Lionsgate Portal From WUA!


She:kon from the ancestral lands of the Kanien'kehá:ka

The WaterfallUnityAlliance would like to wish you all a transformative lionsgate portal. The energy of the lionsgate portal brings us frequencies of change, fueling our manifestations. As the potent energy of the super full moon blends to the lionsgate portal energies, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to you all. Our second annual benefit concert was a beautiful gathering in which friendships were formed and rekindled. This newsletter is dedicated to sharing a few moments, memories, and words from our team regarding the 2023 WaterfallUnity Festival.

Opening fire to begin the festival. Fire pit created by Rachel Leigh Goldberg, Christopher Peña, and Lily. Ceremonial fire lit by Stephen Kraska of Eco-Acres. Words before all else spoken by Sandra Owén:nakon Deer Stand-Up. Songs and words shared for the four directions by Maria Esther Palleres, Jade Weiss, Colin Carew, and Jock Family Singers.

We had a beautiful lineup of artists whose presence helped to co-create a flow of joy and dance. The WaterfallUnityAlliance had the honor of working with Kanien’kehá:ka (People of the Flint) women artists who shared their unique gifts in their ancestral homelands. Semiah Smith (accompanied by Maggie Powless-Lynes on keys), Kahsenniyo Williams, Mercedes Terrance, and Theresa Bear Fox embodied the love and empowerment within their bloodlines with their remarkable voices, actively rematriating the land. Niawenko:wa (A Grand Thank You) to these beautiful Kanien’kehá:ka women for coming out to Skóhare and supporting the rematriation work.

Onkwehonwe (Original Beings) artists from our confederacy helped to raise the vibration with our traditional songs. Members of The Onondaga Women’s Singing Society (Wayva Lyons Waterman and daughter, Liv Bigtree, Summer Rinaldi, Helen Shenandoah, Ina Mae Lyons, and Danielle Smith) set the tone for the festival by opening the concert with Esganye (Women’s Dance Songs). Tuscarora cultural teacher, singer, and dancer Randy Greene sang some of our traditional Onkwehonwe social dance songs on night 2 of the festival. Lloyd Elm (Onondaga) & Elizabeth Elm shared some traditional songs along with songs to bring joy. To close out, singers from across our confederacy gathered to put on a social dance in which we all raised our vibrations and connected with the land at Iosti’tsison (Skywoman) Forever Farm.

We had a total of 33 artists join us for the duration of the festival who all came together to share their gifts and passion in the ancestral homelands of the Kanien’kehá:ka. We had a significant amount of allies join us to share their talents and light. Colin Carew joined us not only as an ally artist, but as a remarkable volunteer who shared the stage with fellow volunteers providing percussion. Keith Secola uplifted the spirits of us all through his presence. Throughout his time here, he jammed out and connected with many artists, including Kanien’kehá:ka artists Atsiaktonkie David & “Tear Bear” of December Wind. Niawenko:wa to all the beautiful beings who came together to celebrate and honor the Kanien’kehá:ka in their return to ancestral homelands.

Volunteers and singers at the closing social dance. Closing words spoken by Konwawennarahkwa Jock

We couldn’t have had a festival without the help and presence of Permatours, Root Community, and volunteer attendees. It was an honor to work alongside all of the wonderful, kind, and bright beings of light who gave their time to co-create the festival. Niawenko:wa to Sydney Harvey, Scotty Guzman, and Blaise Green of Permatours for working with us throughout the past several months all the way through festival clean-up. All beings who came to our homelands with the intention of devoting time to volunteer were a physical manifestation and answer to prayers our team has spread for some time now. Though we know this message may not reach you all, we are sending love from our heart spaces to all who contributed. Niawenko:wa to each and every being of light who came from far and near to give.

It was a dream to be able to support and amplify the work of all the vendors who came to support. We received donations from every table for the auction we hosted during the festival. Niawenko:wa for traveling from far to come to the homelands. We look forward to the future collaborations that come from this year’s celebration.

It became evident very quickly that the weekend carried teachings of building relationships. We send our gratitude to all attendees (online and in person) who bore witness to some of the magic created.

We hope this week's newsletter inspired you today. We are looking forward to what the future has in store for all the relationships and collaborations fostered throughout the 2023 WaterfallUnity Festival. As always, the WaterfallUnityAlliance says nia:wen to you for your support. Be sure to check out our Facebook page, Instagram, website and Tiktok located below.

Oneh (Until we meet again)

***Disclaimer: we are awaiting more high quality photos from our media sponsor's. These are what we have to work with at the moment. Stay tuned for high res photos from the festival!***



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