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WUA Celebrates New Beginnings at Iotsi'tsison Forever Farm


She:kon from the ancestral homelands of the Kanien'kehá:ka.


The Waterfall Unity Alliance wishes you all a happy full moon. This pink full moon feels extra potent as our Grandmother Moon guides us all to reflect on what this eclipse season brought forth for us, individually and collectively. As we are guided in this time to surrender and release, we open up to all that Spring has to offer. Here at Iotsi’tsison (Skywoman’s) Forever Farm, Spring has ignited a sense of new beginnings. We call onto you all to join us in releasing all the ties that hold us back as we prepare for this upcoming blooming season. This full moon, we have much to share with you all.

April 1st marked the official start of Wahianiióntha Tsi Iohontsiaká:ien (Hanging Fruits on the Old Land) Language Center at Iotsi’tsison Forever Farm. The time has come. Our children now have a teacher to strengthen their roots of Kanien’kéha (Mohawk language). Our language vibrates at a frequency that connects with the innate flow of all of creation. To be in a place where our children are being nurtured and taught our language is a gift for which we are eternally grateful. It is a gift that keeps on giving. The teachings of the land and the transmission of our language to our young people are both central pillars in the restoration of Onkwehonwené:ha (Original Instructions). The seeds of Wahianiióntha Tsi Iohontsiaká:ien (Hanging Fruits of the Old Land) Language Center have been planted with love and gratitude from our ancestral bloodlines. The land has nurtured these seeds since the beginning of our return to Ioskóhare. We are home, bearing witness to the gifts of the full moon as these seeds sprout and are nourished by our rematriation work here in the Valley.

The Wahianiióntha Tsi Iohontsiaká:ien Language Center is centered around land-based teachings and language immersion. We would like to share a piece of the philosophy, written by our educational consultant: “With the vision based on taking back our land and that concept of reworking with the land and relearning from what is already here on the land, I want students to take the lead on their own education and autonomy. They have the voice and say on how they want to grasp and gain knowledge whether it be from gardening, singing, dancing, or everyday life skills, they will have the ability to use their strengths and interests and also learn new ones. Each student is uniquely different, keeping in mind to work more with their struggles to get them where they want to be. Education should always be what the students want and through the lens of land-based teachings; students can accomplish and achieve those goals and become life-long learners. This concept and pedagogy establishes this concept using old traditional teachings and life-ways using todays strategies to help them reconnect to where they come from. This is completely different from other forms of education that we see today.

Returning to the homelands to rematriate the land and heal the female lineages all the way back to Mother Earth herself is a revolutionary and evolutionary act. It was a little over a year ago that we returned to Iotsi’tsison Forever Farm to begin this process. To now be in the beginning stages of creating this language center feels surreal. Walking into our second blooming season with our children learning and practicing Kanien’kéha daily is a direct reflection of the gratitude, love, and commitment our team has embodied since November of 2022. For the rest of the year, all donations made through our gofundme page will go directly to the Wahianiióntha Tsi Iohontsiaká:ien Language Center. As Kawenniiosta Jock says, “gratitude always”. We are so grateful for your continued support as we continue healing ourselves, our children, the land, and our relationships. This is the path we have chosen to walk, and we wouldn’t be here without you.


In light of all these new beginnings, we have some exciting events planned for this Spring and Summer at Iotsi’tsison Forever Farm. Visit our events page via our website for updates and announcements. We look forward to hosting you all. Niawenko:wa (a grand thank you) for your continued support of our ever-evolving vision.

We hope this newsletter inspired you. As always, the Waterfall Unity Alliance says nia:wen for your support.


Oneh (Until we meet again)



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