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WUA Wishes You a Celestially Empowered New Moon


She:kon from the ancestral homelands of the Kanien'kehá:ka.


Photo Credit: Sarah Bachinger (Director of Communications)


The Waterfall Unity Alliance takes this time to acknowledge the celestial portal we are all emerging from, as this year’s eclipse portal comes to a close. April 8th, our Eldest Brother Sun and Grandmother Moon came together in alignment as their pathway traveled across Turtle Island. Along with our Grandmother Moon and Eldest Brother Sun, planets within our solar system came into alignment as well, fueling the potency of this remarkable planetary reunion. Eclipses occur every 18 months, their pathways shifting throughout our Mother Earth. The pathway of totality for this solar eclipse traveled throughout the ancestral homelands of the Rotinosionni (or, Haudenosaunee) Confederacy. Here in Ioskóhare, we experienced a partial solar eclipse. Across our Mother Earth, there are many teachings and origins associated with eclipse’s. As an alliance, we have some words regarding this solar eclipse, as we continue walking our pathway back to sovereignty.

It is during celestially potent times such as a solar eclipse in which humanity is encouraged to look within. It is believed by some that the pathways of an eclipse are ones of peace, offering the frequencies that guide us toward alignment. It is through conflict that we are given the opportunities to grow. Within the Onkwéhon:we collective, we were challenged politically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Due to the genocidal impact of colonization, across the confederacy there is not a clear consensus on eclipse teachings, or the significance of eclipse’s within our way of life. Though, some say that Onkwéhon:we accepted the Kayenerekowa (The Great Peace) during a solar eclipse that traveled a similar pathway of totality as the one we experienced on April 8th. The roots in which this information has been shared is unclear as far as its truth, or validity. Regardless, to be alive to witness, experience, and be present while our Grandmother Moon and Eldest Brother Sun came into union is a gift to be eternally grateful for.

The next time a solar eclipse will pass through the ancestral lands of the Rotinosionni Confederacy will be in the lifetime of the faces to come. Perhaps, some of the Onkwéhon:we that are here today at Iotsi’tsison Forever Farm will get to experience the next time a solar eclipse pathway of totality occurs in Ioskóhare. Knowing this adds perspective to the significance of this eclipse season, fueling the work we continue to embody. 


Our greatest teaching as Onkwéhon:we is that we are creation. Creation is not a frequency outside of us. Everything within our way of life aligns us to live and breathe with creation. Today, humanity has been conditioned to live outside of the natural flow and current of creation. As our Eldest Brother Sun and Grandmother Moon backed one another up in their pathways, we are reminded of the work we must embody to rebalance ourselves to flow with creation, once again. It is ingrained within our celestial bloodlines to give gratitude and remain open to the frequencies of creation when such a celestial event occurs. This solar eclipse brought in frequencies of rebalance, empowering us to walk with authentic power in our responsibility of returning home. As we experience the closure of eclipse season and the new beginnings of this new moon phase, the Waterfall Unity Alliance invites you to join us in welcoming the potent energies of change for all of humanity.

We hope this newsletter inspired you. We have some exciting things to share with you all in the coming moon phases. Stay connected via our social links below. As always, the Waterfall Unity Alliance says nia:wen for your support.

Oneh (Until we meet again)



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